17 April 2007

things i'm excited about...right now.

  1. elijah is napping. and not only is he napping but he's STILL napping despite the fact that he fell asleep in the car and i had to move the sleeping him from his carseat to his crib. go me! sleeping baby is divine.
  2. costco has my absolute favorite scrapbooking paper! my mind's eye "wild asparagus" and "magnolia" lines in stack form. 360 pages in each incredible bundle. i had to get two. i mean, they're only $14 and when those papers usually sell for $.80 a sheet? yes. i had to get two. fabulous. of course...the packets at costco are just regular paper...not their typical double sided cardstock...but still...fabulous.
  3. dreyer's slow churned hollywood cheesecake ice cream. yum.
  4. school has officially entered the final stretch. although...that does bring up a not so exciting point and that is: finals and final projects. gag.
  5. i've finished another scrap page. feels so good to finish. john says it's too girly to be a boy's page...but i say that it's not really a boy's page so much as a "remember" page. besides...it's not for elijah's album anyways.
  6. the best candy known to man. especially if you like sour gummy things. and i do. so glad my mom found them for me! (if you'd like to try them yourself (and i highly recommend doing so), they can be found at cost plus: world market or on various sites online. just type in "katjes". you'll find 'em.
  7. something not so exciting: it's six o'clock and i haven't started dinner yet. *sigh*
here's to having dinner on time...

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