25 September 2006


i'm just sitting here chilling...it's about 9.30 on monday night. normally i'd be watching csi:miami with john right about now...but he's not home and i don't like watching csi without him. they tend to give me creepy dreams. although lately i've been having all sorts of weird dreams...i blame it on the pregnancy...but who knows? it might just be something else entirely.

this past saturday my friend shannon had her baby...little noah robert. i was thankfully able to be there for the birth and i got to see him about an hour after he was born. so sweet! it's so amazing to see them when they're only hours old...knowing where they just came from! of course it got me thinking about little elijah's coming...especially since eli will be born in the same hospital that noah was. it's a really nice hospital...as far as hospitals go. i told john that we are definitely bringing warm blankets from home since it's freezing in there. poor shannon had about a zillion piled on top of her and she was still cold. i'm sure some of that had to do with the hormones and the epidural she had...but still...i had goosebumps and i wasn't under any of those conditions. anyways...i digress.

(did i mention he has a TON of hair? lol...he is definitely a little monkey! too cute...)

anyways...not much else is new here in cali-land. i'm sure most of you have heard by now that i'm not going to school this semester. turns out that if i was going to take the classes i had originally planned on i would need about $6000 worth of new equipment. brand new computer (a mac to replace this pc), software for the new computer (adobe photoshop is NOT cheap...even with student discounts), lighting equipment, new printer, etc. etc. etc. so...after much deliberating and discussion and prayer...john and i decided it would be best to wait til spring semester to take those classes. now we have a few months to save up our pennies and purchase the equipment bit by bit instead all in one big gulp. to be honest...i'm a little bummed just because this semester was my last chance to do school without little ones in my life...but it's turned out for the best. i'm not nearly as stressed out as i would have been which is good since i've been feeling a bit crummy lately. nothing major...but i think i've had a teeny flu bug for the past few days. plus without school assignments clogging up my schedule i'm able to work on all the "fun stuff" i want to get done before baby makes his entrance...like scrapping, knitting, cleaning the house...etc. so even though this means i'll be in school even longer (will i EVER finish?)...it's turning out to be a good decision.

welp...my hubby just got home...so i'm off to warm up his dinner. hope all is well in the land of wherever you are...

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